Note: Payments equal to or greater than R5 million are processed via SWIFT and can therefore not be recalled via this “Payment Recall” process.
Recalls can only be initiated within 30 days from the transaction date.
Recalls cannot be executed without the implicit authorisation of the recipient who was paid incorrectly.
Recalls are not guaranteed and are performed on a best effort basis.
Reasons for unsuccessful recalls include:
No Authority to Debit
Insufficient Funds
Invalid Account
Time Line Exceeded
There will be a fee associated with Recall Requests which is charged irrespective of the result of the recall.
Recalls are not possible if you selected the RTC (RealTimeClearing) service type when processing the payment.
Recalls cannot be performed for payments made to the following companies or account types:
• South African Revenue Services (PAYE, VAT, UIF etc.)
• Public recipients e.g. Edgars, SARS, Telkom, etc.
• Investment Accounts (e.g. 32 Day Notice Accounts)
• Vehicle Finance Accounts
• Loan Accounts
• Credit Cards
• eBucks
• Suspense Accounts
• Municipal Accounts
• Estate Late Accounts
• Recovery Accounts
We are not permitted contact an account holder directly to obtain authority for a recall, a request is sent to the account holder’s bank requesting that they obtain authorisation from their account holder in order to reverse the funds.
If authority has been obtained, and funds are available in the recipients account, the funds will be returned electronically into your nominated account and an email will be sent to you to confirm the success of the recall request.
If authority is not obtained, we are not permitted to process the recall, an email will be sent to you advising you of the unsuccessful result and will contain the names and contact details of the account holder.
This process should be completed within 5 working days after receiving the initial instruction, however some banks take longer to process recall requests.
Log into PAO and go to "Contact" and then "Recall Request" and complete and "Submit" the form or email us with relevant details.